What Is an Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)?

by Brian Reaves, on Jul 5, 2024 12:40:53 PM

What Is an Automated Storage and Retrieval System (ASRS)?From 2001: A Space Odyssey to WALL-E, our collective imaginations are filled with thousands of ideas about what automation could and should be. Yet, as the future draws nearer, we often get questions about what warehouse automated storage and retrieval systems really are and how they affect modern facilities. If you were hoping for Iron Man’s J.A.R.V.I.S., we aren’t quite there, but the technology is much closer than you might think. Read on to learn what ASRSs actually are and how they can bring your warehouse into the future.

What Does an Automated Storage and Retrieval System Do?

An automated storage and retrieval system (ASRS) is an integrated software and robotics system that replaces or reduces the repetitive, tedious, and time-consuming tasks associated with handling, storing, and picking warehoused goods. ASRSs range in scale from stand-alone load-handler shuttles to warehouse-scale cube storage systems that effectively convert your facility into a very sophisticated vending machine. ASRS warehouse systems remain an emerging technology. Consequently, new types of ASRS are constantly entering the market. However, most fit into one of the following categories.

Unit-Load ASRS

This style specializes in moving large or heavy loads using fixed-aisle or moveable-aisle cranes. These automated pallet storage and retrieval systems are excellent for moving cartons or fully loaded pallets.

custom automation large unit load asrs crane rendering

Mini-Load ASRS

As their name suggests, these are similar to unit-load systems but designed for smaller, lighter products. Smaller shuttles and cranes make them excellent for narrow aisle storage.

Horizontal Carousels

Horizontal carousels are a self-contained storage system that moves products along a horizontal track, delivering them to a designated picking station.

Vertical Carousels

Vertical carousels apply the same concept as their horizontal counterpart, only moving vertically instead. This design helps maximize storage space.

Vertical Lift Modules

VLMs also store products vertically. However, instead of the product trays moving, an inserter/extractor travels a column of trays, picks the requested product, and delivers it to a ground-level picking station.

vertical carousels

Cube Storage

decathlon calgary in store microfulfillment autostore robot

Arguably one of the most space-efficient designs, this ASRS style stores products in a dense, three-dimensional matrix. Warehouse staff at the picking station request a product. Then, a robotic unit navigates the grid, collects the product, and delivers it to the picking station. AutoStore powered by Bastian Solutions is a prime example of this system.


Shuttles carry loads of various sizes throughout a warehouse or manufacturing facility. They can carry pallets, cartons, trays, bins, or totes, depending on their configuration. The Servus robotic shuttle by Bastian Solutions is a highly adaptable series of ASRS shuttles.

What Are the Benefits of an ASRS?

Automation has a lot to offer any warehouse looking to improve capacity, efficiency, and profit margins. Automated storage and retrieval systems provide an incredible assortment of customizable solutions. Let’s look at some of the most common benefits.

Increased Storage Capacity

Many ASRS solutions allow you to use your space more efficiently. Styles like vertical carousels, VLMs, and cube storage reduce or eliminate the need for forklift-accessible aisles, freeing up an enormous amount of square footage for storage.

Less Wasted Labor

Some managers worry automation will replace warehouse staff, but that isn't the case. Even the most advanced ASRSs still need human operators. However, they do eliminate wasted effort. Analog picking models require warehouse staff to spend large parts of their day manually searching aisles for the right product and carrying it back to a packing station. ASRSs eliminate all the walking and hunting by bringing the correct product to the worker.

Better Inventory Control

ASRSs can integrate with your warehouse management software to better control your inventory. The ASRS software records all product movements within the system. This data feeds to your WMS, providing real-time insights into order flow, picking, packing, shipping, and restocking.

Reduced Picking Errors

Mispicks are the bane of any warehouse. Picking errors can cost millions each year while eroding customer trust and loyalty. ASRSs virtually eliminate mispicks by removing the most common cause: human error. Even if your mispick rate is already 1%, reducing that to 0.1% could save you thousands, if not millions, annually.

Enhanced Safety

ASRS warehouse systems limit employee exposure to two significant warehouse hazards: ladders and heavy machinery. Many ASRSs handle the picking for the worker, meaning there is no need to climb a ladder and risk a fall. Likewise, reduced forklift traffic lessens the risk of collisions. Even better, the ergonomic design of many ASRSs prevents injuries caused by reaching and bending.

Exceptional Efficiency

Improved efficiency is the most common benefit of automated storage and retrieval systems. ASRSs trim the fat from analog picking, packing, and restocking processes. This streamlines your warehouse team's workflow, allowing them to prepare orders faster, reduce your backlog, and enhance customer satisfaction.

Rapid ROI

Another common automation myth is that ASRSs are prohibitively expensive. While there is some sticker shock when looking at raw ASRS system costs, the ROI makes these systems one of the most cost-effective solutions on the market. In fact, most ASRSs pay for themselves within just 18 months.

Your Partner in Automation

Modern commerce moves at the speed of innovation, yet there is no one-size-fits-all solution for warehouse storage. Our Solutions Team can assess your needs and help you decide if an ASRS is right for you. To learn more about automated storage and retrieval systems or warehouse automation, contact us online or visit one of our locations throughout Georgia and Florida.

Winter Haven


Further Reading
How Much Do Picking Errors Cost Your Business?
Top 10 Myths About Warehouse Robots Debunked
Labor Shortage Problem? Why Automation is a People-First Solution


Topics:Warehouse SolutionsWarehouse Automation

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