Want to do more with your existing resources? Tired of the same problems happening over and over? The same principles used in the world-renowned Toyota production system can make your business more efficient and successful.
Toyota Lean Management (TLM) has a low cost of implementation and is proven to dramatically increase profitability. Amazon, McDonald’s, Virginia Mason Medical Center and dozens of leading manufacturers use TLM to:
Toyota's system of lean management can work for you
Where is your company now versus where you’d like to be? Fill out the form to tell us more and request a free consultation. Or, scroll down to learn more about Toyota Lean Management.
Through standardized processes, unified objective-setting, visual management and continuous improvement, TLM will set your company on a path to:
Eliminating wasteful activities is a cornerstone of TLM. “Waste” can be moving something more than necessary or processes that cause defects. Waste also includes:
When employees think they should never stop the line, problems get passed on and become defects. The TLM process creates a culture where employees are empowered to:
Many operations think lean management means reducing headcount and using cheaper materials. This isn't the Toyota way. The Toyota production system focuses on improving efficiency and quality by eliminating wasteful activities.
Here’s an example from a lean manufacturing client: company data shows the maximum number of widgets a worker can use per shift is 10. Therefore, a box of widgets must always have a minimum of 10 widgets and a maximum of 30. Anyone who takes the 10th widget is responsible for replenishing the box before the end of their shift. This simple rule ensures that the box is never empty nor overflowing.
Simple, right? Tiny changes like these add up to a monumentally more efficient operation. More importantly, the process of developing solutions cultivates a collaborative mindset that makes other initiatives more successful.
It all starts with the “5S” process....
Choose a work area. Remove unnecessary items and standardize processes. Evaluate and refine.
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